Description: The fig tree is a tree of tropical origin, planted in Mediterranean regions. In the Quinta da Vitoria neighborhood there are still multiple trees. This specific one was located on a farm where different species were cultivated such as potato, onion, cassava, sugarcane, beans and corn. (*)
Provided by: Benvindo Moreira, a Cape Verde-born Portuguese.
Present Location: It was destroyed during the demolition of the Quinta da Vitoria vegetable garden.
Last revision date: March 2016
(I) Numbering in accordance with the archive of trees and plants identified in the Quinta da Vitoria 2012 and 2013.
(II) Mabberley, David J. Mabberley´s Plant-Book: A Portable Dictionary of Plants, their Classifications and Uses. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
(*)Testimonies of residents gathered in a set of recorded conversations in the neighborhood of Quinta da Vitória and after the demolition in Lisbon, Loures and London between July 2012 and October 2014.