Description: The Yam or Patra (G.) comes from India, brought by Portugues people to Azores, where is known as yam. In the Quinta da Vitoria neighborhood, this plant was planted by several families of Indian origin. Their leaves were used to make a popular recipe in the state of Gujurate, known as patra or pattarvelli.
Gujurate is a state located in the West of India, close to Pakistan border. For 400 years approximately, Portugal kept its colonies of Damão and Diu in Dadra and Nagar-Aveli. Regions.(*)
Provided by: Jaisinh Calanchande e Pedro Calanchande, both Portuguese. The former was born in Mozambique and the latter was born in Portugal.
Present Location: Vitoria Garden Collection (transplanted from Quinta da Vitoria neighborhood in October 2014).
Last revision date: March 2016
(I) Numbering in accordance with the archive of trees and plants identified in the Quinta da Vitoria 2012 and 2013.
(II) Mabberley, David J. Mabberley´s Plant-Book: A Portable Dictionary of Plants, their Classifications and Uses. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
(*)Testimonies of residents gathered in a set of recorded conversations in the neighborhood of Quinta da Vitória and later to your demolition, recorded in Lisbon, Loures and London between July 2012 and October 2014.