Description: Oleander is an ornamental plant very common in Portugal, but extremely toxic. In the neighborhood of Quinta da Vitória there was a large Oleander that was cut down during the demolition of the neighborhood. The Oleander flowers were often used for religious purposes by the Hindu community residing in the Quinta da Vitória (*)
Provided by: Unknown resident
Present Location: Cut down during the demolition of the neighborhood.
Last revision date: March 2016
(I) Numbering in accordance with the archive of trees and plants identified in the Quinta da Vitoria 2012 and 2013.
(II) Mabberley, David J. Mabberley´s Plant-Book: A Portable Dictionary of Plants, their Classifications and Uses. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
(*)Testimonies of residents gathered in a set of recorded conversations in the neighborhood of Quinta da Vitória and after its demolition, recorded in Lisbon, Loures and London between July 2012 and October 2014.